# and a pitch of 150 when an item is gained. # ITEM_SOUND = # This would play the SE, Item1, witha volume of 80 # and a pitch of 150 when gold is gained. # GOLD_SOUND = # This would play the SE, Chime2, with a volume of 100 # it does tell you what each one is beside the constant definition. # when gold is gained, when a weapon is gained, etc. These constants mean what sounds will play # To use a sound group in these constants simply write: GOLD_SOUND = # GOLD_SOUND, ITEM_SOUND, WEAPON_SOUND, etc.: # constants and via Chest_Popup.new or Chest_Popup.new2 commands. # There are two ways to use sound groups. # This would be the SE, Item1, with a volume of 80 and a pitch of 150. # This would be the SE, Chime2, with a volume of 100 and a pitch of 150. Here are some examples (Using the values above):

# your defined volumes, and a pitch index is the index of one of your defined # index of one of your defined sounds, a volume index is the index of one of # A sound group is an array cosisting of a Sound Index (SI), a Volume Index (VI), # Same as with volumes except you add it to P_SND_P. # P_SND_V = # Added a volume with a percentage of 80. # To add a new volume add a new index to P_SND_V like so: # To add a new sound simply add new index to P_SND like so: # For sounds you can either play a SE or a ME. # and or sound into the 3 constants below (P_SND, P_SND_V, P_SND_P). # To set up your volumes, pitchs, and sound files you put a new pitch, volume, # Defining your Sounds, Volumes, and Pitches: # You can also play custom sounds when an important item is gained. # With this edit you can play multiple sounds depending on what you pick up. # Show the Popup icon above the event which gave you the item. # Battle reward prefix text for popup text window # Popup gold/items gained in battle (pops-up after battle) # Only popup once (if many of the same item) # (activate if AUTO_POPUP = false) (deactivate if AUTO_POPUP = true) # (true = ALWAYS popup UNLESS $game_switches is on) # (allows time for the message window to close) # NOTE: insert a WAIT(7) between a text message and adding items in events # UNLESS in automatic mode (you MUST turn it off MANUALLY in auto-mode) # NOTE: the switch turns itself off after each "add item/gold" event command

# between them (insert the WAIT(1) even if in AUTOMATIC mode)

# NOTE: when adding multiple (different) items in an event, insert a WAIT(1) # sound_group : play different sounds an array containing look # y : custom Y coordinate to pop-up at (default = player Y) # x : custom X coordinate to pop-up at (default = player X) # add : adds item(s) shown into inventory if true (default = false) # type : 0 :gold, 1 :items, 2 :weapons, 3 :armor # $scene = Chest_Popup.new(type, amount, index, add = false, x = pX, y = pY, sound_group = nil) # (useful if using a break-limits script and popping-up 100+ of one item) # popups and then turn the switch off when done # Automatic Mode : turn on the switch (designated below) if you DON'T want # Normal Mode : turn on the switch (designated below) BEFORE # - Added Popup_Data class (Incompadible with old save files) # - Added option to show popup above event # - Added option to show or not show gold # - Added option to popup items & gold after battle # - Added option to center the text window or auto-move to not cover the player # - Added option for 2nd window cancellation button # - Reworked main popup scene for new X/Y determination # - Bugfix for when called from a common event # - Removed overlay option due to compatibility problems # - Several minor (non-bug) display fixes # - Added auto-adjust name window location, depending on actor X/Y # - Added option to have popup always active # - Added options to define "close window" sound # - Added option to enable/disable the "close window" sound # - Added options to define button and time for popup name window wait # - Added option to wait for button or time for popup name window # - Added "call" feature - with and without adding the item to inventory # - Added adjustable X & Y coordinates for name popup window # - Added icon to name popup and the ability to turn it on/off # - Added option to turn popup text on/off # - Added option to turn popup sound on/off # - Reworked gold display (more efficient) # - Reworked name popup window (won't show "1 x" if only one item) # - Added option to only popup once for many of the same item It automatically uses the icon pictures that you have in the graphics. This script enables an item pop-up whenever you open a treasure chest, receive a new item and etc.